Las Vegas Le Reve the Dream
Wonderful scenery, impressive show - an unforgettable experience. We had premium seats: Section A row L seat 1 and 2. I would recommend taking seats which are more in the middle because these had limited visibility due to the lighting center found on either side of the section. Premium seats have underwater monitors, which allowed us to see what was happening underwater. Seats which are closer to the performance would have been more impressive as we would have seen the choreography more clearly.
Wspaniala sceneria, imponujacy show, niezapomniane wrazenia. Mialysmy miejsca premium: Section A rzad L miejsce 1 i 2. Rekomenduje miejsca bardziej po srodku rzedu, gdyz nasze mialy ograniczona widocznosc przez centrum oswietlenia, ktore znajduje sie po bokach widowni. Miejsca premium maja monitory umozliwiajace obejzenie tego co dzieje sie podczas spektaklu pod woda. Siedzac blizej sceny widzialybysmy choreografie duzo dokladniej.
