Chile in 7 days-what to do. Chile w 7 dni - co zwiedzać.
The Coffeemaker Puerto Natales. Kawiarnia "The Coffeemaker", Puerto Natales, Patagonia, Ch
Lunch at "Club Arabe", Viña del Mar , Chile. Obiad w "Club Arabe".
Don Victorino restaurant and bar. Santiago de Chile.
Hosteria Pehoe. Torres del Paine, Chile. Hostel "Hosteria Pehoe"
Pisco Sour, drink with the ice from the Glacier. Pisco Sour, koktail z lodem z lodowca.
Stop at Estancia Perales for lunch. Obiad w "Estancia Perales".
Boat trip to Balmaceda y Serrano Glaciers. Day 2, Patagonia. Rejs łodzią do Lodowców Balmaceda i Ser
End of The World Road, Torres del Paine, Chile. Day 1. Podróż drogą na koniec świata. Dzień 1
Our tour of the Punta Arenas, Chile. Zwiedzanie Punta Arenas, Chile.
Hotel Singular, Santiago de Chile.
Martha’s and Magdalena’s islands. Wyspy Marty i Magdaleny. Pingwiny Magellana, lwy morskie. Chile